In " Don't Look Now", Charles DiLaurentis is revealed to have been in Radley since he was a child. In " Game On, Charles", Radley is revealed to have shut down in light of the events surrounding Mona Vanderwaal and the Liars.
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Mona tells The Liars that she was shown how to get in and out of Radley during her stay. In " A DAngerous GAme", Spencer is released from Radley. (Eddie) Lamb reveals to Spencer that Toby's mother, Marion Cavanaugh was a patient at Radley. In " Will The Circle Be Unbroken?", an orderly, E. She was identified as "Jane Doe" when a hiker found her. In " Out of Sight, Out of Mind", Spencer Hastings was placed in Radley after she was found wandering around, covered in blood, and in a catatonic state. In " She's Better Now", Mona is released. In " The Lady Killer", Mona breaks out of Radley by dressing as a nurse and flashing the guard a fake ID (taken from Hanna in an earlier episode).In " Crazy", Mona leaves her room while Hanna and Aria are visiting and runs to the Children's Ward, where she brushes some dolls' hair. This results in her doctor making the decision to allow no visitors. She then starts screaming and throws a table across the room. He tells her that she better not do anything to hurt Hanna. In " Kingdom of the Blind", Mona freaks out when Caleb comes to Radley to visit. Mona remains quiet the first few times Hanna visits. In " Blood Is The New Black, Hanna has been visiting Mona at Radley for answers.